I keep a running log of random lines I’ve thought of in the Notes app on my phone. Just odd bits or thoughts I have, usually before I go to sleep or whenever the inspiration strikes. I’m usually not one to bring a notebook wherever I go (a cardinal sin for most writers).
The vignette above actually came from two separate thoughts I had written in the Notes app. For some reason, the last two lines seemed to fit so perfectly with the first part in a way that I could never have predicted. Without the last lines, it would have been a very different vignette. I think that’s what so interesting about writing sometimes, that just by putting two different parts side by side, it creates a totally different experiences for the reader. The two parts enhance one another.
Though I think that that revelation sometimes comes with time. I have random lines from years ago that I think are good, but feel somewhat missing something, or odd to post. It’s always really unexpected when they suddenly make sense or fit together so seamlessly.