Writing Feedback Session (60 minutes) – $75


We’ll talk 1v1 on Zoom about your project. I’ll provide detailed edits and walk you through advanced storytelling techniques such as character arc, how to create dynamic dialogue, and more.

The last five minutes are usually spent discussing any resources that might be helpful as well as tangible next steps to take for your project.

  • Line Editing – give line-by-line edits on your piece (5500 words or less) to hone in your skills as a writer. 
  • Resources – provide writing, storytelling, and publishing resources to help further your craft.
  • Sensitivity Review – discuss any sensitivity issues that might arise i.e. proper representation of BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and other marginalized communities. NOTE: I am only one voice in the communities I’m part of. However, I can provide feedback as a writer who actively is interested and continually educates herself on this matter. It is still up to you to also be educated and I can provide resources.
  • Developmental Editing – discuss areas to expand or cut material for pacing and improving story arc.

Email laurendomagas@gmail.com to schedule your writing critique session.